Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Menggaungkan (Ahli) K3

Suatu kali penulis berkesempatan mengikuti Diklat Calon Ahli Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (AK3) Umum Angkatan XXIII Tahun 2011 yang diselenggarakan atas kerjasama antara PPNS ITS Surabaya dengan Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi RI. Diklat yang berlangsung hampir dua minggu tersebut tentunya mempunyai arti tersendiri bagi penulis mengingat kebutuhan ahli K3 begitu sangat diperlukan. Keberhasilan beberapa perusahaan di Kota Gresik (Surya, 6/6) dalam menekan angka kecelakaan kerja tersebut patut mendapat pujian karena dinilai mampu menjalankan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) secara baik. Memang benar demikian, persoalan yang mendasar untuk senantiasa dijadikan sebagai sorotan utama dalam dunia kerja salah satu diantaranya adalah bagaimana membumikan K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja/Occupational Health and Safety) itu secara berkelanjutan.
Keberadaan istilah “K3” tidak selalu dimuarakan pada lingkungan pabrik, kawasan industri, area pelabuhan, dll. K3 saat ini sudah menjadi bagian yang teringtegral dengan sistem/manajemen perusahaan yang tidak hanya menomorsatukan produksi, namun bagaimana menempatkan tenaga kerja itu menjadi prioritas utama untuk diselamatkan dan disehatkan. Tenaga kerja secara langsung berhadapan dengan tempat kerja dimana disekelilingnya terdapat sumber-sumber bahaya, seperti: peralatan mesin, tabung/pipa gas, instalasi listrik, maupun bahan-bahan kimia yang mudah meledak. Kalau pun toh ada pertanyaan, semisal: Apakah selama ini kita sudah concern terhadap K3?

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Dari Nelson Sampai ke Sampoerna

       Andai saja Presiden John F. Kennedy mau mendengar pemikiran Gaylord Nelson seorang senator AS, agar persoalan lingkungan hidup bisa masuk dalam program nasional pemerintahannya, boleh jadi gelora Hari Bumi (Earth Day) akan terjadi di tahun 1963-an. Tapi, bagi Nelson perjuangan adalah tetap perjuangan hingga pada suatu kesempatan beliau melakukan konferensi pers di Seatle (1969) yang berencana melakukan aksi/kampanye turun jalan pada tahun 1970. Dan benar, pada tanggal 22 April 1970 Nelson membuktikan janjinya dengan aksi turun jalan yang melibatkan hampir 20 juta orang. Sepintas tonggak sejarah tadi setidaknya menjadi contoh permanen bagi setiap manusia yang mempunyai kepentingan atas sumber daya bumi, serta selalu berupaya untuk melindungi bumi dari kepunahan akibat perilaku manusia itu sendiri. Hari Bumi harus menjadi barometer tunggal dalam membangun rasa peduli serta menciptakan suasana diatas bumi  ini dengan penuh tanggung jawab.

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Rekayasa (Kemacetan) Lalu Lintas

Dalam situasi mondial seperti sekarang ini, tidak-lah cukup bijaksana apabila kemudian muncul suatu anggapan bahwa persoalan kemacetan di Kota Surabaya lebih disebabkan oleh  ketidakmampuan pemerintah setempat dan aparat terkait dalam meredam jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang beredar di masyarakat. Menyalahkan pihak dealer yang tiap harinya menjual sepeda motor maupun mobil juga bukan jawaban presisi. Di kota metropolis ini hingga September 2010 jumlah kendaraan bermotor sudah mencapai 3.895.061 unit, yang jika kendaraan tersebut dijajar di jalan maka panjangnya bisa mencapai 10.923,5 km. Sementara, daya tampung jalan di ibu kota Provinsi Jawa Timur ini hanya sekitar 2.096,69 km saja (Surya, 27/11/10). Artinya, batu sandungan perihal kemacetan ini pun tak lantas dijadikan sebagai barometer utama dalam melihat biang persoalan (kemacetan) yang sesungguhnya. Melainkan banyak faktor eksternal yang menunjang “lahir”-nya kemacetan itu sendiri, dimana salah satu diantaranya adalah etika para pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang masih jauh dari kesan beradab. Minimnya upaya untuk melakukan restrukturisasi manajemen pengembangan tata ruang wilayah kota (RTRW) maupun modelisasi rekayasa lalu lintas di Kota Pahlawan harus terus dicari formulanya. Sejauh ini yang penulis ketahui adalah makin pesatnya pembangunan gedung komersial seperti: kantor, sekolah, dan mal yang tidak menyediakan lahan parkir secara memadai, lalu keberadaan pasar tradisional/PKL dengan memanfaatkan bahu jalan, maupun sikap sopir kendaraan pribadi atau angkutan umum yang memarkir kendaraannya di sembarang tempat, adalah bukti bahwa kita memang masih setengah hati untuk bisa keluar dari krusialitas persoalan ini.

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Situs Biting Kian Genting

   Sebagai salah satu kota  di Jawa Timur, Kota Lumajang seperti halnya daerah lain hingga saat ini sedang giat dalam melaksanakan pembangunan di berbagai bidang. Pelan namun pasti makin pesatnya aktivitas di Kota Pisang ini mengisyaratkan bahwa Lumajang  sedang mengarah pada modernisasi peradaban zaman. Lumajang bagi penulis bukan hanya sekadar tanah kelahiran semata, melainkan juga merupakan oase atas nilai-nilai sejarah yang terkandung di dalamnya. Artinya, penulis sebagai warga tidak selalu memaknai proses dan hasil dari pembangunan yang saat ini berlangsung, melainkan bagaimana pula penulis juga harus memaknai serta peduli terhadap peninggalan sejarah yang melatarbelakanginya. Menutup mata atas kondisi cagar budaya di Kota Lumajang, sepertinya ada kesan bahwa kita memang sudah tidak lagi membutuhkan sebuah tetengger (tanda) semacam situs atau candi sebagai pengewajantahan dari hierarki sejarah lokal. Nilai-nilai edukasi yang sedang dibangun pun hanya sekadar ada dalam buku-buku pelajaran sejarah, sementara bukti autentik dari sejarah itu kini tinggal menunggu waktu untuk hilang dari peredaran (sejarah) peradaban zaman. Sulit dibayangkan ketika di setiap: sudut kota, alun-alun dengan sekumpulan taman dan hutan kota (urban forest), maupun bangunan lainnya dibuat begitu rapi dan indah. Tapi, siapa sangka jika dibalik pesatnya kota ini ada suatu tempat yang jauh dari kesan diatas.

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Keberagaman Imlek

            Bagi penyuka film kartun, mungkin tak pernah sedikit-pun melewatkan film Mu Lan,  seorang gadis yang merubah dirinya menjadi seorang “laki-laki” maju ke medan perang. Yang mematik keunikan disini adalah ketika Mu Lan menjadi seorang ksatria, dia ditemani oleh seekor naga kecil yang tingkah laku serta kalimatnya selalu mengundang tawa. Dalam bagian lain, penulis memandang film ini laiknya memiliki keutamaan nilai persahabatan dan rasa cinta kasih. Korelasinya adalah tradisi Tahun Baru China atau Imlek yang sudah menjadi image terkini bagi warga metropolis Surabaya memang tidak selalu dikaitkan dengan:  kue bulan, buah apel yang dijadikan sebuah simbol kedamaian (pingguo), ikan (yu), atau-pun menghormati kepada pemberi kehidupan (bai gui). Tapi memang gerakan liak liuk naga dalam tari Barongsai, yang diterangi oleh lampu lampion dengan bertabur bunyi petasan maupun angpao bagi penulis justru lebih mendominasi. Persahabatan dan kasih sayang untuk saling melindungi yang ditampilkan oleh kedua sahabat tersebut tentu saja menjadi spirit pelengkap atas hadirnya hari cinta kasih (Valentine) yang perayaannya juga bersamaan dengan Imlek di bulan Februari. Pun demikian, terlepas dari waktunya yang hampir bersamaan atau tidak yang jelas khazanah dari kedua perayaan tersebut adalah bukti anugerah dari Tuhan yang patut untuk disyukuri.

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

“Menghijaukan” Pedestrian

     Persoalan umum yang sering dihadapi oleh hampir setiap daerah dan kota di Jawa Timur termasuk Kota Surabaya seperti sekarang ini adalah pemanfaatan infrastruktur bagi pejalan kaki (pedestrian) yang tidak sebagaimana mestinya. Dalam situasi mondial ditengah pemerintah  kota  (pemkot) Surabaya sedang giat-giatnya melakukan pembangunan dan perbaikan (maintenance) terhadap sarana dan prasarana seperti pedestrian ternyata masih ditemui sejumlah persoalan klasik berupa hadirnya pedagang kaki lima (PKL), sepeda motor, mobil, maupun becak yang diparkir diatas wilayah tersebut. Disadari atau tidak, upaya pemkot Surabaya melalui instansi terkaitnya seperti: Dishub, Satpol PP, yang dibantu oleh aparat kepolisian setempat dalam menjadikan trotoar sebagai kawasan tertib bagi pejalan kaki agar terbebas dari problem diatas sejauh ini sudah dilakukan meski kurang maksimal. Kecenderungan makin bertambahnya fasilitas umum (fasum) layaknya pedestrian yang sudah atau telah dibangun oleh pemkot Surabaya tersebut, sudah barang tentu menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para PKL dalam berdagang serta biang munculnya lahan parkir baru yang ilegal.

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Emulate The Philosophy of Wayang

          When the puppeteer Ki Soenarjo comeback after some time "disappeared" from the puppet show stage, there was a distinct surprise to the author of the play when the provocateur was held at the court of the Tugu Pahlawan in the framework of the anniversary of East Java Province to-65 some time ago , he brought the same fine as before. But in this paper the author is not to peel back what has been narrated by the dalang Soenarjo, but rather to recall the author is trying overview of his advice about man and nature if the wayang which correlated with the author wrote long before the provocateur was held.
Literacy learning of western philosophy in the era of the seventeenth century until the twenties, the flow of positivism with the character of a philosopher who is also the first sociologist A. Comte (1798-1857).
Where A. Comte says that the advent of every human thought, the science of thought, and thought the human race is basically through three stages. Namely, theological, metafis, scientific and positive. The birth of the puppet that contain profound meaning could be the result of the three elements of the collaborative, and based also on the mind and the mind that if an abstract-metafis, according to this writer (Pintu Masuk ke Dunia Filsafat, Dr. Harry Hamersma, p. 59-60 ).

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

21 Year of The Enlightenment

 Presumably, the last verse of the song Mother Love: "... like the sun shining on the world.", Rather than to evoke the romance writers during kindergarten, but another attempt to interpret these verses freely lexical can include: lights or lightening sources for the life of the dipancarinya . Modality is intended for Surya it fit to enter into the age-21 (10/11). Success has been achieved, is inseparable from the support and the support of the people who had been faithful to its fans. Because after all the cornerstone of the mass media is a public space. Surya Power of the spirit of the air-sun logo is a symbol at least glow a high morale and motivation in the news to the public.

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Ken Arok, Not Just A Name

Visiting the city of Malang is a remarkable thing for a writer. Not because of his nickname as a tourist town or city level, but the other side of town with a lot of historical narrative. And, one of which is the story of Ken Arok, a prominent founder of the Kingdom in the year 1222 Singasari who had previously defeated the kingdom of Kadiri. It is said in the Book of Ken Arok Pararaton mentioned that in addition to the admiration of Ken Dedes and killed her husband, Tunggul Ametung he is also eliminating the lives of an expert keris maker magic mandraguna, mpu Gandring. Here is a little surprising when the name of Ken Arok was negated by the author, it turns out to be a nickname for the team Persema Malang football team as: Warriors of Ken Arok. In fact, the use of the name before Ward became King Singasari Vishnu also became a name of the stadium in the city of Malang.

Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

The Water Future at Surabaya

         Surabaya as the icon's second largest metropolitan city after Jakarta is currently faced with the crucial issue regarding the quality and availability of clean water. The future of water sustainability in Surabaya would be saved if the power of vision and mission as well as funding a unified whole. This paper is a reality that the writer saw a number of rivers in the city of Surabaya, such as: Kali Surabaya, Kali jagir, or brownish Kalimas which follows the making of waste floating in the river water quality is so poor town. While one side of the river water use is almost entirely to serving the needs of industry and households in the city of Surabaya. Sophistication of tools for me recycle sewage and waste water from an alternative is not enough to save water in major rivers in this town in order of fitness. Some time ago when I fill the tub, pungent aroma of the water that comes out so pronounced, the color is somewhat murky, and the precipitate appeared when the leave for a long time. So, no one would if it were a precursor to the emergence of diarrheal diseases and itching in the human body.

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Order Waiting For Enlightenment

         Presenting a paper-weight films, qualified, and able to bring many of the audience is not easy. Moreover, what meaning and messages conveyed by the film's plot will be made an impression in the minds of the audience actually achieved. Not just the title nor the extent of the story, this might catch the author of the young film director shortly before witnessed Hanung Bramantyo KH Ahmad Dahlan was in a movie theater in South Surabaya area. With the provision of a writer clipping clippings taken from the Surya newspaper plus a book that tells the story of Kampung Kauman national hero, the author tries to make a small note about the film because the title intrigued by the pinned by the author. And, as we care about our existence and development of the national film industry in recent years was less exciting.

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

"Surfing" at The Library

      Tracing back to the theme of National Education Day celebration (Hardiknas) in 2010 some time ago, the "Education for Character Building civilized nation". The issue of lack of interest in reading and literacy are still many persons in this country, should be a major concern all elements of society in its efforts to improve the quality of Indonesia's population. According to data from the Ministry of National Education Indonesia's population is still illiterate in 2008 as many as 10.1 million people. Surely that number will increase if not immediately addressed. Therefore, the presence of the library was initiated by PT HM Sampoerna Surabaya, by providing a variety of sources of literature dedicated to the public and employees need to have a positive appreciation and made an example for other companies in East Java. Inspiring company with activities on offer can be a bridge to improve the quality and character of the nation's education for the realization of a better standard of living.

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Behind Nikusinten (Who's That?)

       The presence of short stories (short stories) Sarip Tambak Oso (STO) on the work of JS Sentot Surya recent days, enough to attract many readers, including the author. Moreover, the real story comes when the nation will celebrate the birthday of the 65th. The same regardless of time or not, but at least folklore Sidoarjo could be a bit busy entertaining the sidelines, we read another story in this newspaper. STO emergence of short stories with a different concept is the first writer to know through art Ludruk Kartolo, only version of this one there is a bandage-style comedy of East Java's. Admiration for the writer to figure Nikusinten in presenting a short story works like this: First, it is commendable as an attempt to preserve the values ​​of heroic  with the nuances of local culture. And second, even though it was dusk turns out he still always found time to write kept in conveying his ideas are smart to be presented through the writings of meaning can be understood by any class of society. Moreover although the writer has never come face to face with him, but from his way of presenting STO can be estimated if Sentot JS is a dedicated high short story writer in the world of writing (literature).

Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Local Wisdom to Sow

     In contrast to other areas in East Java, Lumajang not only famous for its Banana Supreme and iron sand. But more than that, the existence of the zone located at the foot of Mount Semeru, it is also storing a collection of natural wanawisata hitherto preserved, and one of them is a bamboo forest. Some sources said the forest is located in the Village Sumbermujur, District Candipuro or approximately 30 miles from the center of this district has its own charm because of the terms of the arrangement quite neatly along the village street. Estimated at more than 8 species of bamboo, which until now managed by the residents, including the yellow bamboo, bamboo petung, ori bamboo, bamboo china and so forth. Availability of tourism assets is one of the many tourist attractions in Lumajang apart: Mbambang Beach, the Baths Selokambang, Goa Drops, Triangles Ranu and many other places.

Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Not Just a City Park

      Talking about the reality of the environment as the city of Surabaya will never recede to be discussed or at least more interesting if the seminar. The rapid development and the increasing population living in this city, shows that the center of economy and Surabaya in East Java administration. In line with these conditions, must also have an impact on the other side of urban ecosystems is still not fully addressed. Increased temperatures due to the circulation of carbon gas emissions (CO2) emissions arising from industrial activities and vehicle traffic must be answered with concrete actions so that the pollution is not widespread. Slowly but surely, it was made clear by their staff Surabaya City Government to immediately re-saving the environment and greening the city of Surabaya. Rows of a city park that also serves as a separator in the road like Jalan Kertajaya, Darmo, HR Mohammed, or the District Office and the Bukit Darmo made the city parks such as: Mundu Park, Garden hump, or park at Jalan Sulawesi is a former gas station one of the efforts made by local government in reducing air pollution.

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Managing Rivers Wisely

          It is owned by the weakest man in keeping the environment clean one of them is a matter of throwing garbage everywhere. Looks like this one until the culture whenever it goes on, though it was often campaigned but no change at all. Efforts have been done by writing a slogan on the mass media, pamphlets, brochures, billboards, or a billboard with a large writing then it is placed on the side of the road or intersection. But basically we own a "difficult" to change the habits that one, so the call is sometimes pass by. It may be that, before the days of the almost instantaneous, as now, was once the behavior of the garbage in the "practical" to ditches or rivers already been done. Started to drink water from bottles, plastic bags, cardboard, dead rat, until the liquid and solid wastes from households are all clearly visible. Not to mention the sediment deposits that are not regularly do take deposits of sediment that causes the flow of rivers and ditches are not functioning properly, so that its impact was we all already know, namely flooding.

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Unfriendly Road

           Actually, the question of appropriateness of the condition of roads in the city of Surabaya as it is not something new for the citizens of the city. Road surface conditions are almost dominated by the many holes and bumpy, further indicates that the improvements made are not fully in accordance with community expectations. Repairs are carried out seems to be limited on the condition that really badly damaged, but there are parts of other roads that also need to be addressed. For example, if there is a small hole in the shoulder area or the road is not repaired soon it will certainly widen the hole due to often burdened by the traffic passing by the vehicle wheels. That is, the bigger the damage to be considered as minor damage is negligible. Not to mention when the rainy season, as now, a puddle of water covering the hole the way to its own problems for the riders. As a newcomer and one of the users of the road in the city of Surabaya, the authors feel discomfort in the drive directly. Frequent occurrence of accidents according to the author of one of the triggers is the road conditions are less "friendly", so many of the riders often fall just to avoid a pothole that was not visible from a distance. Like a hole in the road ahead Menur Adhi Wangsa Apartments project (former landfill). Other conditions have ever experienced when passing in Jalan Arif Rahman Hakim precisely on the east side of O-Renz Market, there is a hole that is often improved, but the next day had come gudukan basin and hot mix.

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Never No More False Arrest

            Small people always weak in the eyes of the law, while the great man is always stronger in the eyes of the law, whatever its slogans in the name of the law was less wise and discerning the meanings of the words of the law: All Indonesian citizens are equal before the law. True? Such flexibility so that the statements contained in each chapter, chapter, or page of a legal product that impressed "allow" someone who is dealing with the law trying to save themselves so loose and free without parole. Just look at the events that just happened, it seems to be missing something "trend" for the police under the pretext of law enforcement. A University of Indonesia (UI) professor who did not know what he was doing, had experienced physical abuse committed by police officers raided because it was considered against the current. This is not a story but a reality that actually happened. In the process of interrogation, it is known that the UI faculty were not guilty and the police said: "Sorry, we are missing something, and because you are against us then you brush!", Hopefully the word "professionalism" is pretty up here.