Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Ken Arok, Not Just A Name

Visiting the city of Malang is a remarkable thing for a writer. Not because of his nickname as a tourist town or city level, but the other side of town with a lot of historical narrative. And, one of which is the story of Ken Arok, a prominent founder of the Kingdom in the year 1222 Singasari who had previously defeated the kingdom of Kadiri. It is said in the Book of Ken Arok Pararaton mentioned that in addition to the admiration of Ken Dedes and killed her husband, Tunggul Ametung he is also eliminating the lives of an expert keris maker magic mandraguna, mpu Gandring. Here is a little surprising when the name of Ken Arok was negated by the author, it turns out to be a nickname for the team Persema Malang football team as: Warriors of Ken Arok. In fact, the use of the name before Ward became King Singasari Vishnu also became a name of the stadium in the city of Malang.            Not just took the name "Ken Arok" so that no other name that is more worthy to be pinned into a special part of history, culture, and civilization of Malang. However, the positive essence of which is being built by the founder's name is not only to remove the dark paradigm of the figure of Ken Arok, but the other side of positivity to be conveyed into a form that is more meaningful. The author himself does not have special access to ask them face to face with Mr Peni, who turns to matters that are derived from naming him. "Mr. Mayor njenengno sing," so said a friend who is also an ape ngalam author during a lecture in this city.

            As it was wise advice: take something that is best though out of the mouth of a drunkard though. The meaning of this as a middle ground in the position angle of view (point of view) we enter into a subjective scale or whether objective. Sources virtue of Confucius was also present in Mr. Peni. According to sociologist Mely Tan G: Confucian emphasis on the relationship between the king and his subjects. Typically, a king was accompanied by a philosopher. If this is so, then the author of Mr Peni Suparto is a leader who is also a philosopher. Causality relationship between Mr Peni as practitioners with a history of Ken Arok killed by Ki Pangalasan on orders of stumps Ametung Anusapati child and Ken Dedes, the last is like Confucius. And, for a former professor of history at one of the leading state university in Malang was his duty to enlighten the history of the figure of the naturalist Ken Arok to be accepted by all communities.

            At least, the information I can from a library book in Jalan Ijen is a little breath of fresh air that is Cakra Manggala Jawa noble desire to unify Ken Arok of Java. Apart from Ken Arok was sudra caste or descent Jenggala though, he has given a clear lesson for the present generation in assessing the moral and social ethics that whoever the person is worthy or not to animated.

      (Posted in Harian Surya, October 12, 2010)

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