Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Order Waiting For Enlightenment

         Presenting a paper-weight films, qualified, and able to bring many of the audience is not easy. Moreover, what meaning and messages conveyed by the film's plot will be made an impression in the minds of the audience actually achieved. Not just the title nor the extent of the story, this might catch the author of the young film director shortly before witnessed Hanung Bramantyo KH Ahmad Dahlan was in a movie theater in South Surabaya area. With the provision of a writer clipping clippings taken from the Surya newspaper plus a book that tells the story of Kampung Kauman national hero, the author tries to make a small note about the film because the title intrigued by the pinned by the author. And, as we care about our existence and development of the national film industry in recent years was less exciting.
        After watching the film offerings MVP Pictures and even now also, as a writer moviegoers would not also have a picture of what influences such as the story follows the struggle of a prominent founder of the Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah, played by Lukman Sardi is on the author's own self, for the another, or even more for this country: a little chaotic, a little "crowded". But clearly, this film is for the author (if the title of the Enlightenment freely translated) implies at least we as good citizens ought to be a lightening for ourselves, others, even the country. Whatever it is, Dr. Soetomo, Ki Hajar Dewantara, RA Kartini, Bung Karno, KH Hasyim Asyari, Gus Dur, Nurcholis Madjid to Munir and other national figures, they are the lightening that lightens all the joints in the life of this nation. Even though the football terjangnya KH Ahmad Dahlan in its efforts to open up new insights on the issues going on around him while promoting the values ​​that follow, such as: religion, ethics, legal, or moral.  
        Release films at the same time with the blood of this Garuda, not to debate a difference in the plurality of religious life that is now being tested perseverance after the stabbing of two members of the congregation HKBP. But rather an effort to educate the people and this nation to be wise and prudent and fair to each other without having to be followed by a bloodbath. Quoting from the story of the Enlightenment, the authors found a scene when KH Ahmad Dahlan provide some sort of explanation to the disciples to give thanks, knowing that the student is flatulence. Or when answering a question from Jazuli by playing the violin (more or less): people who disbelieve, there is no instrument which infidels and Muslims. Simple but right on target. Of the old order to the order of the reform, and did not rule out going up the order of enlightenment for the country. Along what is not, that expression of the author who is currently looking for another enlightening than what the message conveyed by the film: Lihat Boleh, Pegang Jangan.

               (Posted in Harian Surya, 21 September 2010

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